Incarceration Transparency API V1
Data on prison and jail deaths is made available to developers via a read-only API. The API accepts GET requests only and returns data in JSON format.
Returns all records.
Returns an individual record.[RECORD_NUMBER]
Search can be done through filters:
- “cs”: contain string (string contains value)
- “sw”: start with (string starts with value)
- “ew”: end with (string end with value)
- “eq”: equal (string or number matches exactly)
- “lt”: lower than (number is lower than value)
- “le”: lower or equal (number is lower than or equal to value)
- “ge”: greater or equal (number is higher than or equal to value)
- “gt”: greater than (number is higher than value)
- “bt”: between (number is between two comma separated values)
- “in”: in (number or string is in comma separated list of values)
- “is”: is null (field contains “NULL” value)
The columns which can be searched are:
- facility
- decedent_name
- sex
- race
- hispanic/latino
- age
- trial_status
- year_of_death
- cause_of_death
- incident_location
- incident_time
- pre-existing_condition
- days_incarcerated
- Parish
All deaths in Orleans Parish:
GET api/v1/records/deaths_db/?filter=Parish,cs,Orleans
All deaths of female inmates:
GET api/v1/records/deaths_db/?filter=sex,eq,Female
Combining Filters
All African-American deaths in St. Tammany Parish:
GET api/v1/records/deaths_db/?filter=race,eq,Black&filter=Parish,eq,St. Tammany
The API engine is PHP-CRUD-API and more information is available on that project’s Github page. If you have questions about the API, feel free to contact Judson Mitchell at Loyola College of Law.